28 February 2006

Politicians & Cheap Beer

What is it with politicians with the same names as cheap beer?
OK, yeah, W isn't really spelled the same as Busch beer. (Though there is this Bush beer, but it isn't what I would call a cheap beer.)

And Pete Coors, who was running for office in Colorado about the time we left for Germany, is actually from the Coors beer family. I have no idea if he won or not.

Well, there's two examples from US politics. Here in Germany, the cheapest beer in our local grocery store is Oettinger. To help explain how cheap it is, Jeannette tells me that carbonated water is actually in the ingredients list. This is the beer that, when we pop in at 8 am before work to get water, there is inevitably someone buying a couple bottles. This is the beer that, nearly ever day, a crate of which is consumed by the group of homeless guys that hang out (and pee!) near the grocery store (which makes it convienent to resupply, I guess)

Well, it turns out that the "Minister President" of Baden-Württemberg (the German state we live in) is named Günther Oettinger.

So what is it with politicians with cheap beer names? Is it me, or is it difficult to take them seriously?

Oh, and one more thing. The former Chancellor of Germany has the same name as a beer (but I have no clue about its quality). There's even a picture of them together that I lifted from somewhere on the web.

Can you think of any other examples? Please share!


At Tuesday, 28 February, 2006 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sam Adams? I guess that's not cheap beer, but it may be the earliest precedent. Brewer, Patriot. or whatever.

Oh, and there's a beer from Northern California, i think, called Arrogant Bastard. That's named after all politicians!


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